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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hole in my life

In Great Stories Club, we are reading Jack Gantos' Hole in my life.

At the beginning of the book, Gantos quotes Oscar Wilde: "I have learned this: it is not what one does that is wrong, but what one becomes as a consequence of it."

On p.7, Gantos says his father said this: "These folks zigged when the rest of the world zagged. And once you cross the line, there's no coming back."

Think about these 2 opinions. Which do you agree with? Why? Is there a line which once you cross it, you can never be a regular, decent person again? How do you think all those people Jack's dad pointed out would feel about being known only for the things they've done wrong?

1 comment:

GMS Librarian said...

i was so sad and depressed when i was in the slammer. i missed my freedom. i knew i
would never go back. i did what i had to do. i dont want to go back but if i have to i
will. Sports and my girlfriend is helping me stay out of trouble.