The GMS Library is closed for the summer. Please visit the Greenfield Public Library!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Meet Amber, a published poet

Amber, a GMS 5th grader, has a poem published in the May/June issue of New Moon magazine!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Cool Science Event this Thursday!

Click the title of this post for audio version

Join Us! All GMS families are invited!

On Thursday, May 1, from 6-8 p.m.
Franklin Medical Center and the GCC Nursing School will bring
“Blood and Guts” to the GMS Library!

Free and fun
Students and their families will get to learn about
medical careers
the human body
emergency room work, medical laboratory work,
physical therapy, radiology, germs, nutrition,
and more!

There will be snacks and prizes!

Volunteers are needed to staff the welcome table
Please call Robin Shtulman @ 772-1360 ext. 221 if you are interested.

What do you think?

In Hole in my Life, Jack’s family moves a lot. At the beginning of this book, Jack’s family moves to a place where he can’t go to school and he doesn’t speak the language. What do you think of that? What do you think of Jack’s parents? How do you think most kids would fare with no education, no supervision, and no roots?

Responses to Gantos' _Hole in my Life_

I like the books. I like it because it teaches you what not to do when you get older. I like the part where they talk about drugs. Drugs are bad for you. This book is interesting to me.

The book is about a boy who does drugs. His family moved to Puerto Rico. The title of the book is Hole in my Life. It tells him what not to do.
-- Jeremiah, GMS student

The book I'm reading is called Hole in my Life. In this book he is sentenced to jail and he talks to convicts who are in jail for life so they can try to change his life before he ends up like them and he has to go to school in an old building that used to be a jail.

I like this book because it tells a true story about somebody and I like true stories. Also I like this book because he starts his life as a screw up and changed that to be an inspiring writer.
-- Ray L., GMS student

Friday, April 18, 2008


It's on my face
It's in my hair
Leaves are blowing
I love to just sit and feel the air
Some it's chilly
Sometimes it's straight
but it is important
Yes it's our fate
Sunglasses are hot and
Flip-flops are cool but
School is a drool
When I look outside
I see the sun
I see seagulls having some fun
I want to join
soonly I did
Then I just felt a breeze
upon my cheek
I was asleep

by Angelina Heon, GMS Student

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Library

Library is very awesome if you are interested in books.
If you are very interested in book you should check out the books at the library.
Books are very good if you like to read.
Ready to check out books? Go to the library,
After you check out books you can go home and
Read them.
Yes, you can go to the library to check out books.

by Ciera Smith, GMS Student

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hole in my life

In Great Stories Club, we are reading Jack Gantos' Hole in my life.

At the beginning of the book, Gantos quotes Oscar Wilde: "I have learned this: it is not what one does that is wrong, but what one becomes as a consequence of it."

On p.7, Gantos says his father said this: "These folks zigged when the rest of the world zagged. And once you cross the line, there's no coming back."

Think about these 2 opinions. Which do you agree with? Why? Is there a line which once you cross it, you can never be a regular, decent person again? How do you think all those people Jack's dad pointed out would feel about being known only for the things they've done wrong?

I Float in the Pool

I Float in The Pool
Relaxing on the water.
Soothing My Problems From School,
Swimming Like An Otter.

The Breeze Cools My Face,
The Pump Calms Me To Sleep,
Enjoying Myself in This Place,
My Thoughts Turn Deep.

My Troubles Float Away,
Dreaming Of The Waves.
Having So Much Fun On This Day,
Trying To Understand This Maze.

by Freddy Vega, GMS Student

Monday, April 14, 2008

April 17th is Poem in Your Pocket Day!

Thursday, 4/17 is the first national Poem In Your Pocket Day!

The idea is simple: select a poem you love during National Poetry Month then carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends on April 17.

Poems from pockets will be unfolded throughout the day with events in parks, libraries, schools, workplaces, and bookstores.

If you don't have a favorite poem, swing by the library to get one! Our 5th & 8th grade library helpers have selected a whole bunch of terrific pocket-sized poems for you to carry, read, share & swap.

For more information, visit

Happy National Poetry Month!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Keep 'em coming!

Thank you, people of Greenfield. I just picked up 5 new books from our World Eye Bookshop wish list:
  • The Liberation of Gabriel King, by K.L. Going
  • Kabul Beauty School, by Deborah Rodriguez
  • Star in the Storm, by Joan Hiatt Harlow
  • The Neddiad, by Daniel Pinkwater
  • The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl, by Barry Lyga
The students here appreciate them so much!

More about April

If you haven't visited the GMS Library in a while, now's the time! The walls are covered with original student poetry. The tops of the bookcases host 5th grade cereal box book reports. The entryway displays biography caricatures. And the window boxes are full of imaginative bird models. Thank you to all of the students and teachers who have shared their work!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Try this

Hey --

Ms. Harrington told us about this magnetic poetry website:

Try your hand at writing a poem! When you have one you especially like, save a screen shot of it, paste it into a Word document, and bring a copy to either the 3rd floor computer lab or the library. We'll look over your poems with the GMS language arts teachers and choose a few to honor and share.

Happy Poetry Month!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hear Here

Original poetry by Mrs. Engle's trailblazing 6th grade poets. Please listen and feel free to make laudatory comments!

** Click the title of this post to launch the MP3 file. **

Thanks to Beth Nelson for showing us how to use the software & to Gaby Richard-Harrington for sharing her equipment.

(P.S. We're so excited; this is our first podcast.)

April is National Poetry Month!

It's time to wax poetic . . .

So much is going on in the GMS Library! Come visit and see the fabulous Poetry Month display created by our 5th & 8th grade helpers under the guidance of Beth Nelson, Simmons College graduate student . . . Borrow some wonderful poetry books from our enormous deposit collection, courtesy of the Western MA Regional Library . . . hear original poetry performed aloud at our 6th grade soiree on April 8th! If you can't get there, tune in to GMS-TV each morning to hear a poem each day. For an infusion of more daily poetry visit the Library of Congress website!

We have even more planned this April -- Check back soon!